How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Why do I say that ? Well , there are studies that show that the concentration of fluoride in drinking water is of particular concern for the thyroid hormone system of the body . Now , thyroid hormone has a lot of different roles in brain and body and thyroid hormone is very important for everything from metabolism to levels of energy .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And probably even if you don't just know what's in your drinking water , your local government should provide that information and or it should be readily available online . And in particular , I think it's worthwhile to address how much fluoride is present in your drinking water . Again , I don't want to create a lot of scare .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , that could open a whole discussion of why fluoride is in our drinking water in the first place at all . But leaving that aside , it seems to me that most everybody should know how much fluoride is in their drinking water . And ideally everybody , yes , everybody is filtering their drinking water .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

However , by way of reading this review , by way of reading the paper that I just referred to a moment ago , again , links to these are going to be provided in the show note captions that there is extensive evidence that elevated levels of fluoride in drinking water are simply not good for us . Now , that could open a whole discussion of why fluoride is in our drinking water in the first place at all . But leaving that aside , it seems to me that most everybody should know how much fluoride is in their drinking water .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So this is the so called clearly filtered water pitcher with affinity filtration . So this is a filter that can adequately remove fluoride lead BPAs glyphosate hormones and some of the other harmful things that are contained in most tap water . Again , I do realize that for some people , even an $80 cost is going to be prohibitive .