How To Manage Your Energy

I have my personal experience and all my professional experience . So commit to and prioritize happiness or fulfillment above everything else . Hm .

How To Manage Your Energy

And so instead to your point , it's like I call them happiness is , but it's like identify your happiness is in life . You know , those people places things and activities that allow you to feel inspired , energized , happy to be alive and then simultaneously identify your success items . Those are things that you're naturally easily and effortlessly gifted at doing .

How To Manage Your Energy

I , I didn't tell the truth on that one , but the three actions that you , that our listeners can plug and play with . I always like things to be actionable . There's so much um information that can feel overwhelming .

How To Manage Your Energy

I'm just going to some secluded island with beautiful people and have great conversations and just , you know , be a prop and I get paid . But I realized that when I get crystal clear on my inner purpose first , and I prioritized that first , then whatever out of purpose manifested from there , I was satisfied and fulfilled nonetheless , when you get it the other way around . So in other words , if you try to clarify or get too clear on your outer purpose , before you get clear on your inner purpose , you can succeed with your outer purpose , but still feel deeply like a failure in because you failed to find fulfillment , right ?

How To Manage Your Energy

So it was just that , which is um ironic in a way , right ? It's like all the things we do in order to survive or be successful , often cause us to struggle and fail at the things that matter most , which includes most obviously fulfillment and happiness and peace and even love and connection . Yeah .