What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

Today . We're focusing on the art of happiness with me . Today , I am excited to introduce Robert Mack .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

Awesome . Well , let's get into the science of happiness . So for people who don't know about it , what it , what causes happiness and what impact does happiness have on your life ?

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

And so the idea is to spend as much time , energy and effort on your happiness islands and off of your happiness , deserts or valleys as possible . So that's step one , which is really all about happiness being a kind of activity or action . It's about taking action , it's the low hanging fruit , but there are steps you want to go sort of beyond that .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

So tell us a bit about that . What is your approach to the art of happiness and maybe how it's different than some , you know , there's a lot of books written on happiness , right ? And positive psychology .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

So we know a lot about what causes happiness and what happiness causes . So the effects of happiness . And so I'd say for those three reasons , the work that I do is uh a little bit different than the work other people do that .