What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

So we're all born wired a little higher , a little lower for happiness . And that genetic set point makes up for about 50% of how happy or unhappy we are now . Unlike height for instance , or eye color , we can't , we can change our genetic subpoint and wiring for happiness .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

It's H equals S plus C plus V . So H equals happiness and that s is genetic set point . So we're all born wired a little higher , a little lower for happiness .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

So that's 90% and only 10% is quote unquote outside your control . I'd argue that even that isn't true because the happier you become based on how many volitional activities you participating in , the more likely you are to be successful and then change these other external conditions and circumstances in your life . So I'm hearing bottom line happiness is within your control and you can build it so you can change it and change the set point , change the volitional activities .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

I'd argue that even that isn't true because the happier you become based on how many volitional activities you participating in , the more likely you are to be successful and then change these other external conditions and circumstances in your life . So I'm hearing bottom line happiness is within your control and you can build it so you can change it and change the set point , change the volitional activities . So let's talk about how you do that .

What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes [Robert Mack]

Um Those are the things we think about when we talk about optimism , you know , gratitude , uh savoring when we talk about our social support system , these are the things that you can control and that accounts for 40% of your overall happiness score rating , which means that in the end 90% so 50% is genetic wiring that 50% is perfectly malleable , changeable . 40% volitional activities that 50% that's genetic is actually changeable by the volitional activities that you either do or do not participate in . So that's 90% and only 10% is quote unquote outside your control .