Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um I'll , I will provide a link to these data since I know a number of you are listening and not just uh watching on youtube . Um This is from a study in which the onset of puberty has been analyzed from as early as the 18 fifties , right ? In certain countries , there are data on that out to the 19 seventies and another country starting at about 1900 um extending out to about 1990 .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Unfortunately , they didn't continue to collect data out to uh 2022 . And as a final point , if we were to look at , for instance , in uh Germany and Finland , uh the average uh onset of puberty in 1870 was 16.5 years old . Uh By 1940 it was down to 13.5 years old .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

What we see is that the average age of the onset of female puberty in 1850 in Norway was 17 years old , whereas in 1970 it's 13 years old . So this is a dramatic acceleration of the onset of puberty and you see a similar trend in other countries as well . So if we were to look in , uh for instance , in the UK .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But for those of you listening and for those of you watching , the essence of all of these findings is that puberty is happening much , much earlier with each passing decade . So for instance , in the United States , around 1900 or 1903 , the average age of men or the onset of puberty in females was about 14 years old . Whereas in 1990 the average age is 11 .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , that's an easy one to answer over the last 100 years or so . The onset of puberty has been occurring much earlier with each passing decade . It's really an incredible set of statistics .