Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

We know that one of the things that can trigger the onset of puberty , in particular in females is that when enough body fat accumulates that body fat releases a hormone called leptin . And that hormone leptin travels in the bloodstream across the blood brain barrier and goes to the hypothalamus and can trigger the onset of puberty by activating the neurons that release gonadotropin releasing hormone .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um I'll , I will provide a link to these data since I know a number of you are listening and not just uh watching on youtube . Um This is from a study in which the onset of puberty has been analyzed from as early as the 18 fifties , right ? In certain countries , there are data on that out to the 19 seventies and another country starting at about 1900 um extending out to about 1990 .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , that's an easy one to answer over the last 100 years or so . The onset of puberty has been occurring much earlier with each passing decade . It's really an incredible set of statistics .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

In other words , the scent of a , of a male that is not the father . And we think also that is not biologically related to her , can trigger earlier onset of puberty . And that effect can at least be partially buffered by her being in the presence of the scent from her biological father .

Why is Puberty Starting Earlier for Kids? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But that is around a lot that her , his smell , excuse me is registered by her biological systems that I don't wanna say protects because it kind of skews the , uh , the valence of the conversation . But that , that offsets or buffers the otherwise observed effect , which is that the scent of a reproductively competent male , if it's present often enough or perhaps intensely enough that it can trigger the onset of puberty . In that female .