That's number one . And then what you want to do is reverse engineer out of your life . Everything that doesn't contribute to that primary life , objective or purpose .
Deserts things you're not particularly good at or you're good at , but it takes way too much time and energy and effort . You're wanting to reverse engineer out of your life , all your deserts and all non essentials . So if it doesn't meaningfully contribute to the ultimate objective you have for your life or it's not and you don't love it or it's something you don't love or aren't particularly good at outsource .
Everything that doesn't contribute to that primary life , objective or purpose . Identify four buckets . Happiness is success is happiness , deserts , success , deserts , happiness is those are activities you love for their own sake .
It might just be happiness , it might be family , it might be love , it might be tons of money . No wrong answers . That's number one .
So if it doesn't meaningfully contribute to the ultimate objective you have for your life or it's not and you don't love it or it's something you don't love or aren't particularly good at outsource . Delegate , reduce , eliminate automate or regulate period . So that all you're left with are islands and ideally you're overlapping islands .