And um yeah , yeah . So addiction is a big part of my story and I'm a big fan of truth and authenticity . I think uh we lose so many people because they're afraid to talk about it .
I don't have a bunch of data behind me , but I have these experiences which have been profound , just the elephant in the room . I just have to ask uh I think we all know somebody struggling with some kind of an addiction for you if you could not to get too personal . But like , what was that moment for you that you started looking up and just kept going up and just never looked back .
Yeah . I think with all addiction there's a while there's a period of time it works . Right .
But uh but again , happy that you are sharing and being open and honest and authentic because we are all about good vibes here . But we're also all about being open and honest and authentic . Um Talk to me about Rock to Recovery .
Um So , you know , I basically failed every test to try to control it on my own . And then when I went into rehab , I learned about this thing , we talk about Alcoholics anonymous . I'll just name it , which is this , it's this allergy , meaning I'm different from other people .