How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We , we talked about that the volume is basically identical between power and strength . Um The , the general number we're gonna look at here is something like 3 to 20 sets total per workout per workout . Um , but that would be like 20 would be a little bit of a special case .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Can we just get a brief recap of the general parameters for an excellent power and strength training program ? OK .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You , you don't really have to go that long . In fact , there was actually a study that came out in the last month that showed , you know , like really two minutes is probably sufficient for most people having said that if you really are trying to push maximum strength adaptations like 3 to 5 is very , very reasonable . Um You , those training sessions are long because you have to take , you're spending more time not doing anything , then you are doing something but you're trying to maximize quality .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

There is , you have very little risk of interference for things like speed and power strength . You have a little bit of a risk only because now you're introducing fatigue , which if you're really pushing strength that might compromise your recovery , uh I could imagine doing the 3 to 5 routine for strength or for power and then somebody finishing up with um , 10 or 15 minutes of hypertrophy arm work and then being very seriously compromised if they try to come in the next day or even the next day and do those big compound movements for speed and power , not just because they're sore , but the muscles may actually still be damaged . And I know later we're gonna talk about the um , somewhat tenuous relationship between soreness and recovery .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So modifiable variable number one is called choice . So which exercises do I select for strength in general for power or speed or strength ? We wanna select compound movements .