How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

All right . So we select your exercises based on that . We generally , then the case because that is the case , we don't worry about things like eccentric versus concentric because you're generally doing a whole body athletic movement , right ?

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's typically multiple joint movements and typically complex um movements . In selecting these compound movements , we generally want to actually think about exercise , selection of movements rather than muscle groups . So this is an important distinction because we'll see this is a different answer when we get hypertrophy .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

All right . So that's exercise choice . Our first variable , the next one is exercise order .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So modifiable variable number one is called choice . So which exercises do I select for strength in general for power or speed or strength ? We wanna select compound movements .

How to Build Muscular Strength & Power | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I , I wanna train pushing or pulling movements or I want to ro I wanna train rotation , which is a whole area we haven't gotten into , which is very important for overall health and wellness , longevity . So we wanna select big movements by the muscle , the movement patterns that we want to introduce . And we just wanna select a reasonable balance between these .