But when you make that effort where you're , like , put yourself out there because I don't know , it's like developing the strengths where I'm sure you've experienced this in your business . Like social media . I love it .
I love it . And it's also exhausting impact on people's mental health , I think , um , it's really easy to compare yourself to others . And I think that that's also where I learned a lot in personal growth because I would look at someone and be like , they're beautiful or they're successful or this .
It's like , it's hard to put your own mask on first before helping others where we want to just give up what we have built to like , just help someone because I'm like , I want you to feel as good as I feel . So what I try to do is like , it's weird because also on social media , a lot of people like , pretend their life is great , they pretend to be happy where I'm like , swear to God . Mine's all real .
Like I was reading an article the other day and they were just basically talking about how to become more persuasive and mostly , especially in this world , it can feel so divisive and whether it's politics or religion or something else , we're all trying to convince each other through like logic and reason . But at the end of the day , a much more effective way to persuade and influence anyone is to connect with them as a real human being . Like , leave that whatever divisive topic off the table for now and just connect and be kind and have a moment where you share something , a moment of , you know , joy and of love and , um , then sometimes you're surprised but not even bring the topic up , you come back around and the person's like , you know what ?
So it's , I just love what you're saying there because inner beauty obviously , infinite , eternal . Um But also it has an effect on the way we look physically . I think it makes or breaks a person because I've met a lot of very physically attractive people in my life and then I got to know them and was like , uh , there's like , not much else there but um , I think that everyone feels ugly sometimes , like , no matter what you look like or like what you do .