This was when I was like 18 years old and I would wake up in the morning and be with myself again . And I realized I need to learn how to like myself , the person that I'm waking up with because there's nothing that's gonna eliminate that unless I actually work on what's really going on . That is so deeply inspiring to me because I think most of us run away from , right .
And um this is such a great point , which is like the only person you can't divorce is yourself . So , you know , it's like if you can learn to make friends with yourself , you begin this lifelong love affair that never ends , right ? And then it makes it so much easier to get along with other people and for them to get along with you , you know , it's really hard if you don't like yourself , love yourself , it's very difficult if not impossible to really connect with anyone else in a full life .
I absolutely agree . And there's something else you said there that was just worth highlighting again because it was a discovery for me too , which was that it's impossible really to feel self-love if you focus on that , which you think is most unlovable about yourself . Right ?
So , you know , it's like if you can learn to make friends with yourself , you begin this lifelong love affair that never ends , right ? And then it makes it so much easier to get along with other people and for them to get along with you , you know , it's really hard if you don't like yourself , love yourself , it's very difficult if not impossible to really connect with anyone else in a full life . So it's pretty incredible .
I think it makes or breaks a person because I've met a lot of very physically attractive people in my life and then I got to know them and was like , uh , there's like , not much else there but um , I think that everyone feels ugly sometimes , like , no matter what you look like or like what you do . And um , I think like , finding what makes you unique and owning it because I used to want to fit in so bad . I wanted to be cool .