Laurel Canyon Kitchen' Episode 4: Robert Mack

And I feel that we are far more powerful than we believe because I see a lot of people have like protective mechanisms because they think that they aren't mentally strong enough when we really are totally like , that's such a great point too . And I wish that as Children we were taught , like , better coping skills and , right , because we're not , we're really not , we're not taught how to emotionally regulate or be cognitively agile or how to pivot or reframe . Right .

Laurel Canyon Kitchen' Episode 4: Robert Mack

But the thought of being rejected by people terrified me to the point where , like , I wouldn't even go on auditions because I just thought I can't handle it . And then when I started getting rejected , you know , in like the corporate world and in relationships , I was like , oh , this isn't that , that's the realization epiphany that we all have because if you , you know , sort of practice it enough , yes , you get better , but most importantly , you stop caring so much . It doesn't hurt as much .

Laurel Canyon Kitchen' Episode 4: Robert Mack

And um so can I ask you a question about that ? So what would you say obviously that tough love in that moment you had there , what would you say have been the most helpful tips , tricks or tools for you becoming increasingly happy ? I would say gratitude is like the number one thing like being thankful I actually list in my head , I started out where I had to physically write it down , you know , like the happiest journal .

Laurel Canyon Kitchen' Episode 4: Robert Mack

And it's also exhausting impact on people's mental health , I think , um , it's really easy to compare yourself to others . And I think that that's also where I learned a lot in personal growth because I would look at someone and be like , they're beautiful or they're successful or this . But like , why are you comparing yourself ?

Laurel Canyon Kitchen' Episode 4: Robert Mack

This is you having an ego bruise ? And um , I would say like the getting out of the comfort zone as being a shy person is something that you really have to make a conscious effort to do it . Because now as an adult , I go out with people who are like , oh , my child is shy , like , ok , well , what are you doing about it to help socialize them ?