How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

There's a lot of different things you can try . An easy example is just box breathing . So , and you can imagine box having four squares .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh This is the beautiful work of uh not me directly , although it took place in my lab . But as we know , it's the student of post ox , you really do the heavy lifting of um Doctor Mali uh Balon uh in my lab , a phenomenal researcher that showed that a short period of five minutes of box breathing of exactly the type that you described were uh cyclic signing . So two inhales followed by an extended exhale to lungs empty .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I love the Brock breathing tool , post workout . Um And there's some other alternatives there too uh that I just mentioned , but I think people greatly underestimate the potency of breathing for shifting one's nervous system function away from stress or if one wants toward more alertness and stress .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So if you just change from , you know , your maximum , get you up and get going music during the workout to a slower lower cadence that will help you kickstart . The idea of a similar note , you can also use what we call down regulation breathing . You could do them in conjunction or one or the other , whichever is up to you .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So what you're going to do is inhale for somewhere between like 3 to 8 seconds and then whatever number you choose , you keep that same tempo . And so let's say you chose to do a five second inhale , that's gonna take you up vertically and then horizontally for your box is a five second hold and then a five second exhale and then a five second hole . And you just need to repeat that for the time domain .