How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , there's a couple of things you can do immediately after your workout and then others that are maybe more actionable a day later or two days later and we'll just cover handful of them . We'll do some nutrition and hydration and supplementation in the next episode . I'm gonna cover everything else , not in that category right now .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So what are some tools that we can use to enhance our recovery ? Yeah , let's start off with that acute overload phase .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so if you're gonna finish your work out get in the shower again , just close your eyes in the shower . Give me three minutes of focused relaxation , breathing and that will accelerate the recovery process . I love it and I particularly love it because my laboratory works on stress and respiration , ok , breathing and the interactions between the two .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I love the Brock breathing tool , post workout . Um And there's some other alternatives there too uh that I just mentioned , but I think people greatly underestimate the potency of breathing for shifting one's nervous system function away from stress or if one wants toward more alertness and stress .

How to End Every Workout for Best Improvement & Recovery | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'm gonna cover everything else , not in that category right now . So a couple of things , number one , uh you can actually start kickstart that recovery process at the end of your current training session . And I guess I should say it this way .