LA Unscripted | July 12th, 2022

I'll go for it . Honestly , I cannot believe I'm in a bar having food dish good . Next , I want to go into the fish and chips because I feel like you guys will absolutely love them .

LA Unscripted | July 12th, 2022

So the whole idea was we needed , we wanted great food . We didn't want just like normal bar food . Frankie .

LA Unscripted | July 12th, 2022

They were the best I've ever had . What we're known for is the very highest quality experience and the highest quality food . And we wanted to give something that is a bar vibe but elevated in a way that people feel familiar yet unpretentious and just like really comfortable .

LA Unscripted | July 12th, 2022

It's fine to have kids here . Anybody can come up here and feel comfortable , have a drink , have a great meal and then see an incredible show with some of your favorite artists . It's a head banger B for all .

LA Unscripted | July 12th, 2022

What we're known for is the very highest quality experience and the highest quality food . And we wanted to give something that is a bar vibe but elevated in a way that people feel familiar yet unpretentious and just like really comfortable . Now , let's take it to the eighties .