LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

I think in many ways it's exhausting . We chose road DTL A for a number of reasons other than the fact that it's a beautiful place to be . We love the vibe here .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

And tonight we're getting small so you can go big and explore las coolest local retail spots like this one . The road DTL A dubbed the most electrifying destination in downtown Bank Journal is a modern coastal lifestyle brand with a sustainable element to it . Shacks .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

It was just like a , it was the whole place was an empty shell and that really excited me because there there was nothing else like this in L A . The row have done a really good job of uh curating a bunch of stores that help each other grow and , and bring in unique customers . So it's been really enjoyable being here .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

And tonight we're going shopping who come on people . Los Angeles is home to more than 240,000 small businesses with more minority and women owned spots than any other in the nation . Hello , everyone .

LA Unscripted | March 3rd, 2023

There are so many cool stores here to choose from and if you need a little sustenance , you can pop in for lunch at cafe , do say or dinner Cato . It's all so chic and unique much like this hat store . Our Jasmine Simpkins just uncovered in Windsor Hills .