GDL Marya Kahlil

I wouldn't make eye contact with people acne look , it's common . But how it affects us is more than just on the surface and skin level . That's what I was saying .

GDL Marya Kahlil

This is just , I mean , I have , I don't really feel like I'm in my body right now . To be honest , your positivity is contagious , by the way . Oh , and yours is too .

GDL Marya Kahlil

So like , no , do I save up , get that professional done ? Even if for once a year , it really helps , makes a bigger difference than doing the diy stuff every day . And there are a lot of options now for medical spas .

GDL Marya Kahlil

So my dad and I tried everything , nothing on the market was working , nothing on the market was safe for all skin tones and all ethnicities . And so he saw an opportunity to create this amazing , incredible product . The VIP O and there's no cure for acne .

GDL Marya Kahlil

This is like , what the , and there are some jobs that you have to be out in the sun but you can wear a big hat , you can wear a big hat . So that's great . And it's just the first two weeks that you really , I want to be in prolonged sun .