Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

Like if you're good enough to call your shots . So how do you cultivate self-awareness then ? That's the , that's the paradox .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

Self-awareness . So this is the one that I'm passionate about .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

And then you take , take that back and you work on it . You , it's ironic because we're talking about self awareness . But one of the best ways to get it is from other people .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

Like for me so much has worked for me because I understand myself in space strength , weaknesses . And also when you deploy empathy with self-awareness , by the way , being Gary V is all based on this . Like I'm aware why somebody be like , fuck this dude .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

A lot about why people point fingers why people have fallen in love with judgment of others . And I've come to realize it's because they're practicing on themselves . You know , my inability to over juge myself is exactly why I don't judge others .