Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

It makes it palpable to me . This is why ego is so dangerous , right ? You can't make stuff for other people , whether it's art or products .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

You can't make stuff for other people , whether it's art or products . Like when you think about Kanye West or Steve Jobs , we think of them as egotistical people . Not at all .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

Self-awareness . So this is the one that I'm passionate about .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

I talk to everybody the way I talk to myself , which is why I talk so nicely to everybody , but that's how you want it , right ? But most , a lot of people talk to themselves in a way that they would never tolerate because most people try to prop themselves up by tearing everybody else down . Right .

Eliminate Fear in the Workplace | Ryan Holiday Podcast

It's nice to have standards . I'm not saying that , but like this notion of beating yourself up when you fall short on something that is a standard or an ambition is incredibly unhealthy . Well , it's like you would never talk to someone else the way that you talk to yourself .