But I'm , I'm grateful that I got the opportunity and grateful that they uh they , they like what they , yeah , it's all about gratitude . Yeah , I mean , I'm like , I'm a TV personality . I'm not just uh an , like I also produced this show and so , you know , whatever goes out into the ether after this or during this , it's a reflection of this show .
Welcome back to Good Day Live . I'm Michelle M if you're just tuning in for the very first time along with my good buddy , how are we doing ? And a very special welcome guest .
Welcome back to Good Day Live . I'm Michelle Murad . If you're just tuning in for the very first time .
It is NBC . Look , look , look , it is NBC Michelle . OK , BC news dot com .
Yes . Um But you can email me Michelle at Good Day Live TV dot com and we'll definitely um be in touch with you and we can communicate with you . I am looking right in the middle of camera , my friend .