Uh make sure you hit that follow button on TV . Um There is a really good , really good cool book called Medical Medium . Um I was referred to this by Miss Natasha June Phillips .
Um I was referred to this by Miss Natasha June Phillips . It's all about healing your body . It's all about finding ways to like alternative ways .
What did you say ? Call me Medic . But I think it depends , I think you have to have trust .
So you , so what was your aha moment ? Was it after like going to all these doctors and just being like , I just gotta do this on my own . Yeah .
So I was in a very difficult environment both for my family and then also like , you know , strong bullying and like stresses at home , Basically no place for me felt safe in my environment . And that caused my body to have all these inflammations , illnesses I had , oh my God , what they call it ? It's a very fancy word for .