The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Is there a general rule of thumb for how to breathe during repetitions , during work , for strength , maybe even strength versus hypertrophy in , in a way that maximizes oxygen input to the system , you know , keeps you uh alert and conscious , but that also protects the body by creating some rigidity in the system , right ? Because certainly being de with all your air exhaled , the body is a very different beast in terms of stability than with the body full of air versus , you know , breathing during the repetition movement .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I , I'm going to work on it . But can we say that an effective way to start off in terms of breathing during repetitions would be to take a gulp of air during the lowering phase , the eccentric phase and then to exhale during the concentric exertion phase . I asked that because that's what I've been doing for a while and it makes me feel safe .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So that I don't lose spinal stability , but at the same time , I don't wanna pass out , right , which is a , which is a problem . So uh kind of a couple of rules of thumb , if you're going to be doing something in which you can complete the entire exercise without a breath and it is of a maximal or close to load , that's probably your best strategy . So in that particular case , you'll see a lot of breathing techniques um where you're gonna take a very large inhale .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um , so we'll have very specific strategies for them . Um , so what I would say is , is think about how many you're going to complete and , and then breathe according uh to that and it tends to increase in frequency as the number gets closer to failure because you're gonna want that , that air a little bit . But you just wanna make sure that when you're , when you're breathing back in , you're in a safe spot .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And perhaps I also borrowed that from martial arts where one tends most often is trained to exhale on the , on the strike . If you're going to be doing , again , the number of repetitions can be completed without a breath . A lot of times you're better off saving that exhalation until you complete .