The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , you wanna be thinking about belly moving out in all four areas in front of you , to your left and right and to your back . That's that quadrant sort of idea of stabilizing your spine . You can do that independent of your clavicles , moving your shoulders , don't need to rise for that .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Oh , I have several £100 on my back or my chest and I don't want to exhale right ? So that I don't lose spinal stability , but at the same time , I don't wanna pass out , right , which is a , which is a problem . So uh kind of a couple of rules of thumb , if you're going to be doing something in which you can complete the entire exercise without a breath and it is of a maximal or close to load , that's probably your best strategy .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And what you're really trying to do is create a cylinder around your spine . Um The real issue you have to , to play here is regulation of blood pressure and spinal stability . Now , you should be able to breathe and embrace what I mean by that is you should be able to create total intraabdominal pressure , regulate uh spine control while breathing .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's the fact that blood pressure got so high you blacked out . And so we wanna have , we're gonna have to play this game of releasing a little bit of the pressure so we can actually get blood to move a little bit , making sure that we don't lose spinal stability . Um , so we can finish our workout .

The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's not always the case , but sort of like a thing to think about . So over compression through the spinal rectors is not necessarily ideal . Um If you want the , the best scenario is a little bit of a brace of both .