Yes , I just finished a documentary film about an American war hero . It's called major capers , the legend of team broad minded and it's a story about a true American hero who persevered during , you know , through adversity during a time of civil unrest and ultimately rose to become one of the highest force recon marines in history . Highest Decorated Force .
Government . Yeah , my name is Major James Capers . Junior , United States Marine Corps .
He was asked to be the face of the Marines , which was the Marine Corps biggest , most successful recruiting campaign and it ran from 1968 to 1975 . And so he became extremely well known in that in just for overcoming this adversity during this time . And he always had a positive attitude and even in the moments where there was rioting in the street during that time period , he was asked , which is an interesting moment in the film .
We were talking about some of his original audio tapes he made to his wife on the battlefield as well as the letters he wrote home to his son who was actually born blind and his wife was exposed to rubella virus at that time was an issue on the basis . And so , um they definitely had a lot of challenges and um and the strength I'm sure is shown through this adversity as well of him , his son , his son probably had the same strength he had , didn't he ? He did .
So that's not why you're here . You want to talk about who Jim Capers is and the things that I participated in to get me to this moment . This really isn't about Jim Capra .