How Did Celebrities Fall for the FTX Scam? w/Coffeezilla

And what I noticed with all of these things , the threat is , you believe , you know , it's kind of too good to be true , but the social proof is overwhelming and it overwhelms your kind of like alarm bells . So the social proof is a combination of things . So , first of all , it's like , it's this guy who drives a Toyota .

How Did Celebrities Fall for the FTX Scam? w/Coffeezilla

We're looking at it and he said , you know , I never understood how Bernie Madoff got people because it seems so preposterous and then I fell for something very similar . And what I noticed with all of these things , the threat is , you believe , you know , it's kind of too good to be true , but the social proof is overwhelming and it overwhelms your kind of like alarm bells . So the social proof is a combination of things .

How Did Celebrities Fall for the FTX Scam? w/Coffeezilla

They're all saying it's ok . Let me put money in and it's just a huge case study that just because other people fall for something doesn't mean you're safe like you have to do , I hate to say do your own research because that's such an overused like scammy phrase . It's actually such like a phrase like that .

How Did Celebrities Fall for the FTX Scam? w/Coffeezilla

Uh Kevin o'leary is in . So , so you kind of think you're swimming safely with like other savvy investors and that's what ultimately gets you to buy in . Bernie Madoff is very similar .

How Did Celebrities Fall for the FTX Scam? w/Coffeezilla

So , first of all , it's like , it's this guy who drives a Toyota . So you go like , well , why does he need to scam me if he's driving a Toyota ? Right ?