It , it basically is our full time job and on top of that we got school , got classes and stuff . So , and , you know , when you're on campus you're seen always wearing some kind of athletic stuff . Always got the blue backpack , you know , just it signals athlete and I don't know .
But like , if it was a significant other , like my partner , they would just have to kind of understand where I'm coming . But it's like , it's not necessarily just like , oh , you're an athlete or not . It's really just like , understanding each other , I would say probably as long as you go , as long as you all have , like , your own separate lives can't be dependent on each other .
I go here , I'm working just as hard . Um , But for me personally , I'm like , ok , I can separate athletics but definitely tap in like you have so much going for you simply being an athlete at UCL A and balancing the workload that other people do . Highlight that in your resume , like highlight your leadership , highlight your ability to balance school and athletics like that's critical but to your point , that kind of highlights like um how difficult it is to be an athlete , like those 56 hours a day that we're training could be those 56 hours that we're studying like , so we have to compete for the same grade .
Like the ambitious , whatever . Um , but yeah , they don't have to be an athlete though . And obviously , yeah , that , that , like , mutual understanding of each other's time .
Like that's how I got this . So like , I guess just putting yourself out there as well and then , yeah , because a lot of people like athletes , they're like , oh , you're , you know what ? True , true .