But you know what I'm saying ? Like people , I've definitely had to distance myself because I'm like , you could have just said that like you're not even answering your phone , you're not even texting like you're not even communicating . Like it depends on the person though I on the like , cause hearing you say that , I think admittedly I'm guilty of that in certain scenarios but also only with certain people , like if it's my people that I care for , I don't , then I , why would I like , you know , flake or at least I would be upfront , you know , I can't do this , can you type thing ?
Like , I'm trying to go to med school , but I don't have any things , but they gave us like a whole sheet that's basically like , you're disciplined and you're in athletics for like 20 hours a week . Like that shows leadership that shows commitment , that controls and communicating . That's something you should really tap into .
Like , it's hard to , if you're not going broke those , like , athletes to non athletes , that transition , I think , I think it's also good though that we picked a school like UCL A because we're in L A . So we have so many opportunities to meet different types of people . Like even even getting this podcast .
Um , but yeah , they don't have to be an athlete though . And obviously , yeah , that , that , like , mutual understanding of each other's time . Like , if I'm dying I practice tired as hell , you know , I don't , certain things that I'm really tired , you know what I mean ?
But one thing that I think really helps is the fact that like , I have really good friends , I have good friends in my classes , good friends that I met off rip . So it's like we motivate each other . It's like , ok , let's get together , let's study .