Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um Now , the other caveat we have to say here is timing of macronutrients is seems to be somewhat irrelevant for protein , but that is not the case for carbohydrates . So that timing does matter , replenishment of muscle glycogen is very specific and you wanna make sure that that is around a lot if you're doing either maintaining training quality or you're sliding into endurance type of work . And so nutrient timing does matter with carbohydrates , maybe less so with protein and certainly less so with protein if the total protein ingestion is high enough .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So that timing does matter , replenishment of muscle glycogen is very specific and you wanna make sure that that is around a lot if you're doing either maintaining training quality or you're sliding into endurance type of work . And so nutrient timing does matter with carbohydrates , maybe less so with protein and certainly less so with protein if the total protein ingestion is high enough . So , um it depends on what we're going after in terms of a training goal .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So just do that and you're fine . Um Now , the other caveat we have to say here is timing of macronutrients is seems to be somewhat irrelevant for protein , but that is not the case for carbohydrates . So that timing does matter , replenishment of muscle glycogen is very specific and you wanna make sure that that is around a lot if you're doing either maintaining training quality or you're sliding into endurance type of work .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And for pure hypertrophy training . Would you like to see people ingest some carbohydrate post training for pure hypertrophy training ? I want to see that as many of those nutrients around the training is generally possible .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um A a and where we want to get with all these things in general . The way that we like to think about this is if you're doing a strength type of work where you're truly targeting that , then a 1 to 1 post exercise protein to carbohydrate ratio is generally what we're gonna go after . So this would be something like 35 g of protein and 35 g of carbohydrate .