Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Doctor Lane Norton , who's been a guest on the Hebrew and lab podcast . And we both know throughout a number range related to protein intake on the backdrop of how much protein synthesis can occur by meal uh across the day , et cetera . A lot of a lot of research done there and some important work by him in particular .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But when somebody is training specifically for hypertrophy , assuming they are getting enough protein from quality sources in their other meals and assuming that their overall macro nutrient intake and caloric intake is high enough that is they have enough of a caloric surplus that they have the the the raw materials for , for hypertrophy . What do you like to see people ingest at some point post workout in order to facilitate muscle protein synthesis and recovery . And this could include nutrition and supplementation or if you want to divide those answers out , um feel free to do so , of course .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So somewhere in that range and they are spreading out that protein intake to accommodate the fact that the body can only assimilate a certain amount of protein in any given sitting . What do you like to see people ingest at some point , post hypertrophy inducing workout in order to get the protein synthesis advantage if you will , that is stimulated by that workout . Earlier , you mentioned the , you know , the post training feeding window that you know , in the nineties and probably earlier people were talking about , oh , you know , within the 1st 90 minutes , you have to get 30 0 , was it 30 minutes of uh excuse me , a certain number of grams of carbohydrate and protein , et cetera .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So that timing does matter , replenishment of muscle glycogen is very specific and you wanna make sure that that is around a lot if you're doing either maintaining training quality or you're sliding into endurance type of work . And so nutrient timing does matter with carbohydrates , maybe less so with protein and certainly less so with protein if the total protein ingestion is high enough . So , um it depends on what we're going after in terms of a training goal .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So depending on which or you're listening at to this , uh at one of those may be easier than the other for you . Um If you start getting below that number , now you do start running into questions of protein quality , protein type and protein timing . This is one of the reasons why I actually fully agree with .