Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um A a and where we want to get with all these things in general . The way that we like to think about this is if you're doing a strength type of work where you're truly targeting that , then a 1 to 1 post exercise protein to carbohydrate ratio is generally what we're gonna go after . So this would be something like 35 g of protein and 35 g of carbohydrate .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So 1 to 1 is that like sort of standard number here . Um If you're gonna do sort of more of a really hard conditioning workout , that number slides up to something like three or even 4 to 1 , which would be carbohydrate to protein ratio . So , if we wanna stay at 35 g of protein , we're gonna go maybe as high as like 100 or 100 and 40 g of carbohydrate .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um If you're gonna do sort of more of a really hard conditioning workout , that number slides up to something like three or even 4 to 1 , which would be carbohydrate to protein ratio . So , if we wanna stay at 35 g of protein , we're gonna go maybe as high as like 100 or 100 and 40 g of carbohydrate . Again , depending on what type of , of training we're sort of doing .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

They're just going to be better spreading those meals out generally throughout the day and they're going to be better if they have those nutrients either pre mid or post . And so they're going to get even for hypertrophy , they're gonna get something like that 13 to 1 ratio of carbs or protein , personal preference . Some people don't like to eat before they train .

Diet & Supplementation for Muscle Growth | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So depending on which or you're listening at to this , uh at one of those may be easier than the other for you . Um If you start getting below that number , now you do start running into questions of protein quality , protein type and protein timing . This is one of the reasons why I actually fully agree with .