GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

Sorry , sorry , sorry , I just heard that . Yes , we have an amazing , amazing guest and the award winning for acting and producing . Hey , how are you ?

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

I said , give me a minute . I'm producing three shows at the time . Traveling the world .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

I don't know if that's by accident . I feel like , well , because I'm still out there in the mix , put it out there and you're producing , even when you're throwing parties , you're producing , you're making like the show in and of itself , right ? Yeah .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

Like you've got to learn the lines and light yourself and shoot yourself and edit and prepare and dress yourself and do your own makeup . And I mean , like just auditioning is making a movie . So I've learned to really enjoy that too .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

And even when I wasn't on camera acting , I always , I was a party thrower . I was an event producer . I was , I did charity events like I was always either hosting something or , and then someone would see me or somebody would know me from something else and give me a job .