GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

We're so happy to have you here . Um And we're happy to talk about love on the rock . And you said this is a Malta .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

Yeah , choose your adventure . And then he invited me to go to Malta to do you love on the rock . He said , can you be in Malta in two days ?

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

What that you deserve an Academy Award just for that real . That was a really fun movie to make . And , and II , I met David and they were thinking of someone for this part and they do a lot of , you know , pure flicks and now Pinnacle Peak , they do a lot of family friendly faith based films and they're like this one's pretty dark .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

Um And then this is the documentary that we're seeing behind us . Um We kill for Love is in the festivals right now . It's doing really well .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

One for , you can go to pure Flix dot com and watch the more , the more Jesus version of it or you can go to Amazon and get the more mainstream version of it . I really like their business model of making movies and you can make two different movies for two different audiences . Like why not talk about show business ?