GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

Ok , so we're gonna name right ? The role and then , and my character , the character , the movie or show ? Ok .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

But that , what's fun about being an actor ? It is fun being an actor and getting to wear all these different hats . And it's nice that David also sees the lighter side of me and , and we were actually , I was actually supposed to be shooting today .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

He said , can you be in Malta in two days ? It , this is the middle of a pandemic and I , and they're like , we're gonna find some role to give you just come , you know , we have lead actresses from Europe that are playing the main roles . But , you know , just come , you'll have a good time .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

How does that feel for you to go from , you know , a little risky to more , like , reserved . Well , I think we can do all sorts of things in our life and , you know , when I was young and getting offered some really sexy , fun , feisty roles , I was so honored to be able to take them . And also I was never really the pretty girl I was .

GDL Kira Reed Lorsch

Yeah . Even auditioning these days is like making a movie . Like you've got to learn the lines and light yourself and shoot yourself and edit and prepare and dress yourself and do your own makeup .