Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Do you feel were you diagnosed with ? I mean , back in our day , there was no , I had self diagnosed , I self diagnose and my parents get mad at me , but I said I have a DH D I had dyslexia . Um and I believe I have it as an adult too .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Um and I believe I have it as an adult too . Like it's not , I know they say sometimes you can grow out of a DH D but I can tell my focus or the voices in my head or things like that I still struggle with as an adult and learning was hard for me . I had things backward .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Like I'm like , ok , he thinks I'm super slow . Like , yeah , like I'm just really slow and boy , he's like recommending this children's book to me . Exactly .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

So that's a real thing . She's an effective disorder . I'm sure I was suffering from that as well .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

So I'm I'm extra sure now that I'm fired . Like I'm like , ok , he thinks I'm super slow . Like , yeah , like I'm just really slow and boy , he's like recommending this children's book to me .