Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

So it's interesting that you say this because when she asked you about the mentor , we , we're part of an organization , the Horatio Alger Association . And that um gives for these young kids who have come overcome incredible adversity . And the one thing that I think that I've noticed a lot of these kids have is a mentor , someone who believed in them , a counselor , an older brother , a family member , an uncle , an aunt or an uncle .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

I wanna say that thank God you're here and you made it to the other side . But all of those struggles you had , look at all the work you , you become , you , you made your whole education around it . Yeah , it's fascinating .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Um and I believe I have it as an adult too . Like it's not , I know they say sometimes you can grow out of a DH D but I can tell my focus or the voices in my head or things like that I still struggle with as an adult and learning was hard for me . I had things backward .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Very sort of skeptical pessimistic about life itself , you know , and , uh , I did pretty well in school . I had a great family , very healthy but as time went on and as I got better and better at school and like , you know , at sports , I just felt worse and worse for it . Yeah .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

But it's just as much , if not more a troublemaker , right ? So when a kid find problems , it will create new , new problems , all the you know , to solve . Well , I think our culture too with kids .