Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

And part of the problem with the science is that , you know , sometimes it's hard to know , you know , correlation isn't causation . So sometimes you will have folks that are experiencing depression and they , and you tend to find that , oh my goodness , they're lacking this or they're a little deficient in that . Um But at the end of the day , did the depression cause it did it cause the depression , they , if there's a , you know , sort of a feedback loop and so it's a little challenging .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

What , what , like , you know , so much of our , our podcast is about giving , um , our listeners really helpful life hacks and this is a topic that so many people can relate to . Personally , I can absolutely relate to um um experiencing some severe depression and anxiety and having to learn a full toolbox of kit . Like I have a whole kit , you know , from hot baths to reading to a gratitude list to calling a friend who I know loves me unconditional or has unconditional regard for me .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Our kids don't know how to self soothe . And so we're having more and more teenagers and others going through depression and suicidal thoughts and we come back to the beginning of your own thing . Now , I mean , thank God you , you were able to get find a way out whatever divine intervention happened to find this path because the gift you now give us is so necessary today in this world and what I am so grateful for your work and that you took that and you were , your life was spared by whatever means , however , it happened , it is you are such a gift to humanity and what you're doing .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

So sometimes you will have folks that are experiencing depression and they , and you tend to find that , oh my goodness , they're lacking this or they're a little deficient in that . Um But at the end of the day , did the depression cause it did it cause the depression , they , if there's a , you know , sort of a feedback loop and so it's a little challenging . Yeah .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Yeah , I feel like I was sort of , I felt like I was born unhappy . I was really depressed . Very sort of skeptical pessimistic about life itself , you know , and , uh , I did pretty well in school .