Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Kind of like the hard way . I was suicidal for years . I was yes , really depressed .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Our kids don't know how to self soothe . And so we're having more and more teenagers and others going through depression and suicidal thoughts and we come back to the beginning of your own thing . Now , I mean , thank God you , you were able to get find a way out whatever divine intervention happened to find this path because the gift you now give us is so necessary today in this world and what I am so grateful for your work and that you took that and you were , your life was spared by whatever means , however , it happened , it is you are such a gift to humanity and what you're doing .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Yeah , it's unwanted thought . It's just unhappy thoughts . We can complicate in lots of ways .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Yeah . So eventually I got to a place where I was just seriously , seriously depressed and , uh , you know , suicidal . So I was experiencing in life .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Exactly . I , um , got to a place where I started researching the suicide and , like , how to kill myself and I didn't have , like , access to a lot of the means and ways to do it . Um , so I just decided I was going to slash my wrist .