Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

You were ily educated , you're an author , you're a show host , you're an expert , but most importantly , you are a celebrity happiness coach . Robert Mac . What is a celebrity happiness coach ?

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Oh , thank you so much for joining us everyone . Today we are here with the gorgeous May I say , Robert Mac . Thank goodness , this podcast has video because then you can all keep you guys forever .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Yeah , I do have a question . Um , Rob , you know , let's talk because there's a lot of people who might be listening right now who have a child who is struggling with some kind of depression that they cannot put their finger on it and they're gonna hear you say that and they're gonna say to themselves . OK , how did he do it ?

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

So it's interesting that you say this because when she asked you about the mentor , we , we're part of an organization , the Horatio Alger Association . And that um gives for these young kids who have come overcome incredible adversity . And the one thing that I think that I've noticed a lot of these kids have is a mentor , someone who believed in them , a counselor , an older brother , a family member , an uncle , an aunt or an uncle .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Sorry . The gifts of you having those issues as a child has made you ? You know , we've talked about shadow .