Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Welcome to friends and we are three besties who met over two decades ago in the Los Angeles local news scene . And now we started a podcast really focused on friendship and kind of getting through midlife with the power of friendship . That's right .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Sometimes the only thing that people know to do is to put other people down , compare themselves , compete with other people , not a constructive way of self . So we have another guest coming in on another episode and she's doing a documentary on anxiety , anxiety nation . And it is exactly addressing that issue .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Whack em all pull the plug . What , what , like , you know , so much of our , our podcast is about giving , um , our listeners really helpful life hacks and this is a topic that so many people can relate to . Personally , I can absolutely relate to um um experiencing some severe depression and anxiety and having to learn a full toolbox of kit .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

Today we are here with the gorgeous May I say , Robert Mac . Thank goodness , this podcast has video because then you can all keep you guys forever . I tell you , well , we're keeping you forever too .

Unlocking Happiness with Friends with Robert Mack

And that's also why people like sex , like intimacy , like orgasm because you're finally for one second or two seconds or whatever , completely quiet or not , or not quiet . So J DJ D had asked , I mean , how do you become a celebrity coach ? I mean , I mean , I would imagine or happiness coach to the celebrities .