And when we sent it out , we were kind of double dipping and sending it out to the college coaches and showing both of us , uh at the same time . So transitioning from being in high school and taking a role as a center , um , and also long snapping at the same time , uh going to college and only long snapping was kind of a shift for me because I went from being on the field , about 6070 plays a game between long snapping and being a center versus now , I'm only on the field . My max max game I think was like 14 to 16 snaps .
Hey , my name is Kim War Chuck . I am a long snapper at the University of Colorado , um and I play on the football team here growing up , I've had a lot of different mentors in my , my career , uh whether it be my previous position at center or my current position at long snapping . Um My previous position at center , there's been a lot of coaches uh that helped me get to this point and be able to realize that , hey , this is something that you're good at and you should be able to really take under that wing and , and go forward with it , whether it was body composition to weightlifting in the weight room , uh or being able to get that exposure .
I'm very pinpoint on whatever I do because releasing the ball here versus here on my snap is a matter of a foot back when the punter catches it or when the holder is catching it for the field goal . So being pinpoint accurate with anything that I'm doing and anything that I have , um , going on in my snapping routine and my blocking routine , I really break it down into different parts and then understand , hey , this is what I'm good at . This is what I need to keep focusing on and understand .
Um And that , that was the way that we continued with the communication . Uh So a lot of it was being able to do my routine and snapping at parks at my high school . Um Any field that I could honestly get , having my dad catch my brother catch .
So transitioning from being in high school and taking a role as a center , um , and also long snapping at the same time , uh going to college and only long snapping was kind of a shift for me because I went from being on the field , about 6070 plays a game between long snapping and being a center versus now , I'm only on the field . My max max game I think was like 14 to 16 snaps . So it's very minimal of the time that I'm actually on the field and playing .