I am a long snapper at the University of Colorado , um and I play on the football team here growing up , I've had a lot of different mentors in my , my career , uh whether it be my previous position at center or my current position at long snapping . Um My previous position at center , there's been a lot of coaches uh that helped me get to this point and be able to realize that , hey , this is something that you're good at and you should be able to really take under that wing and , and go forward with it , whether it was body composition to weightlifting in the weight room , uh or being able to get that exposure . Um , along with uh Rubio , he is a long snapping coach that has helped me out , uh be able to get to where I'm at here at Colorado .


This is the areas that I'm not so good at , um , and really dive into those areas of my skill , skill set um to be able to focus on and make those better . So that way other people can exploit them a piece of advice . I , I would wanna give myself , um , or any younger athlete for that .


Ok over the course of the season , you only scrip once and that's , that's basically minimalizing anything that you can do because we don't have 6070 plays over a course of a game to , to be able to make up for that one play that we miss like it's , you gotta do it now and that it all starts in practice and all starts doing those little things right on your own when everybody's not watching because specialists , you , you only have so many opportunities . One thing that I noticed that helped me get a little bit further in my career um and just put that little step up above anybody else that was there is I focus on the details . So I wasn't necessarily always the biggest or the fastest , but I knew what I could do good and I knew what I was the best at and I really dove into those , those factors , whether it be footwork or whether it be the smallest details of hand placement .


So as , as long as you're competing against yourself and getting better 1% every single day there , there's nothing you can hang your head about and be able to do that . But as long as you're , you're competing against yourself and you feel like you're , you're moving up in your process and everything , you'll , you'll get your shot .


I , I would say to all the younger athletes out there , um I know that there's always this hype around D one and there's always this hype to be able to be at the highest level . But don't ever put yourself down , don't ever put yourself beside someone else . Don't compare yourself to anybody else , compare yourself to you and only you because at the end of the day , the biggest competition is the one that you look in the mirror and the person that you have to compete against every day is yourself .