GDL Jane Velez Mitchell

So what we do is we create affects similarly . Do you know that in Belgium they are working on bioidentical meats . So not even needing an animal biopsy .

GDL Jane Velez Mitchell

So not even needing an animal biopsy . They follow the DNA sequencing of the various animals and they can create something that looks like meat . Smells like meat .

GDL Jane Velez Mitchell

Smells like meat . Tastes like meat has a texture of meat with no meat . Wow .

GDL Jane Velez Mitchell

So if you go back though , to most histories of what people's heritage really is , it is primarily plant based . If you look at the world , oh my gosh , they invented a meat alternatives and , and fo me , they're killing it in Africa . You know , Ethiopian marathon runners are plant based .

GDL Jane Velez Mitchell

We get your proteins . Let's like get rid of all the meats , the processed food , like let's clean it out . So I even though I'm not 100% vegan , I'm I say I'm plant based for you .