Uh He's just , you know , just always install , you know , working hard . I was like one of the first things that you can do , like as an athlete , like that's like one of the core values you need , you know , if you wanna go far as athlete is a little . So , um I would say can't be skipping reps , you know , I would definitely say , you know , having a teammate with you that works just as hard as you , that pushes you like a rival kind .
So that's psychological can really mess you up as well . So it's just as important as your physical . Uh So because I , I guess gets your body going can't start without your mind .
So you just gotta , you just gotta make them see you , you gotta stand out . So at the same time , you always gotta be yourself . You can't , you know , it's , it's good to , you know , as long as you're copying the right cat , it's OK like you can bring stuff from other people's game to your game .
So um I would say my instincts but a big play in that and you can't be thinking like , if you're thinking so much like on the few , you're just gonna , it's like you're , you're gonna triple in your own foot and shoot yourself in the foot . So you just gotta trust your instincts at the end of the day and just , you know , uh , just play hard . You can't be thinking about like who's gonna be able to gain or like what coach you won't be able to gain because that may affect your play .
So , um I would say can't be skipping reps , you know , I would definitely say , you know , having a teammate with you that works just as hard as you , that pushes you like a rival kind . So you guys can just stay on top of each other and , you know , keep pushing each other to get better and better each day . Um That really helped me a lot and , you know , just competing with everybody .