I'm from Seattle , Washington and I go to the University of Colorado and I played football . Um I feel like growing up , uh I like a lot of mentors , like , uh my dad , he was a big influence on me too . Uh He's just , you know , just always install , you know , working hard .
So that's psychological can really mess you up as well . So it's just as important as your physical . Uh So because I , I guess gets your body going can't start without your mind .
Uh He's just , you know , just always install , you know , working hard . I was like one of the first things that you can do , like as an athlete , like that's like one of the core values you need , you know , if you wanna go far as athlete is a little . So , um I would say can't be skipping reps , you know , I would definitely say , you know , having a teammate with you that works just as hard as you , that pushes you like a rival kind .
Uh So because I , I guess gets your body going can't start without your mind . So I say that plays a big part , I will say uh out of high school . So I play basketball as well .
You can't let no one work harder than you ever . So you just gotta , you just gotta make them see you , you gotta stand out . So at the same time , you always gotta be yourself .