Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I mean , it's impossible to clamp everything perfectly from week to week , but you know , don't change anything else dramatically and just add that supplement for a given week . See how it benefits your sleep , maybe add in a 2nd , 2nd supplement if you like or rather swap and try a different supplement for a week and then see what works best and see if the combination works even better .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you're not sleeping as well as you would like to , or if you want to explore what sleeping even more deeply might do for your mental health , physical health and performance . Well , then it makes sense to think about the various supplements for falling asleep versus remaining asleep . What to include what not to include and to do that systematically .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I've talked about this in various podcasts before also acts as a bit of a anxiety lowering compound , which is essential prior to sleep , for people to essentially turn off their thinking or to be able to reduce the amount of ruminating and problem solving and future anticipation that they're doing , which is a requirement for falling asleep . So , what's the rational approach to supplementing in a way that allows you to fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep ? Well , would you immediately take magnesium three Nate and Apogen in together ?

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , for those of you that are not waking up in the middle of the night or not having excessively vivid dreams but are having trouble falling asleep . Two supplements in particular have been shown to be effective for shortening the transition time to sleep and allowing people to ease into sleep more readily . And those are magnesium three and eight , which is interchangeable with magnesium Bisglycinate , magnesium Bisglycinate and magnesium three and eight .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Those people would do well to avoid certain supplements . So in a moment , I'll talk about the value of a supplement called Theanine for Falling Asleep . But Theanine , which typically is taken in dosages anywhere from 100 mg to 400 mg depending on body weight and experience and what you find to be most effective for you minimally effective for you .