How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

So like for the next 10 coffees that you get each time , ask for a 10% discount . You can't say you're doing an experiment . You can't say that Tim Ferriss told you .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

Oh The conversions are surprisingly high . 70% . 7 of the 10 people at a Starbucks or Pete's coffee or some random place were like , OK , sir .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

What were the conversions ? Oh The conversions are surprisingly high . 70% .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

10% off . Yeah . Knock yourself out .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

Now . So , ok , fine . 10% off .