How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

It makes you more comfortable with discomfort and you also realize the downside is so limited . Just respect the macro amazingness . No , no , no .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

What were the conversions ? Oh The conversions are surprisingly high . 70% .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

Or they're just like so stunned that they're like , wait , this is Starbucks and I'm like , I know I would really appreciate 10% off and like half the time there's like , OK , OK , guys . Sure . Yeah , I don't want like , I don't wanna , I don't wanna fight this fight , right .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

Yeah . Or they're just like so stunned that they're like , wait , this is Starbucks and I'm like , I know I would really appreciate 10% off and like half the time there's like , OK , OK , guys . Sure .

How to get 10% off your coffee #garyvee #shorts

What were the conversions ? It makes you more comfortable with discomfort and you also realize the downside is so limited . Just respect the macro amazingness .