What Is Perimenopause? | Dr.Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

To me , this problem is not just menopause . What's more interesting is to talk about perimenopause . So , perimenopause is the the period of time before your final menstrual cycle .

What Is Perimenopause? | Dr.Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

They are a biomarker of changes in the brain . Uh So many of these symptoms that occur in perimenopause are not driven by the ovaries , they are driven by the brain .

What Is Perimenopause? | Dr.Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It doesn't matter that you're not sleeping anymore , you know , turn down the temperature in the room and that's not right because hot flushes and night sweats are a biomarker of cardio metabolic disease . They are a biomarker of increased bone loss . They are a biomarker of changes in the brain .

What Is Perimenopause? | Dr.Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You know , up to like age 35 to period menopause to post menopause . The women who are having the most symptoms in perimenopause menopause , the hot flashes , the night sweats , the difficulties sleeping . Those are the ones who have the most significant cerebral hypometabolism .

What Is Perimenopause? | Dr.Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , there's the the G protein coupled estrogen receptors and those are mixed angiolytic angiogenic . So , um there's this whole period of perimenopause and what's most fascinating to me and we've got to talk about this either today or another time is that there is this massive massive change that happens in the female brain that people are not talking about enough . And so looking at the work of Lisa Mosconi at Cornell from uh starting around age 40 there is this massive change in cerebral metabolism .