The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

So I think it's super exciting . Um Yeah , and I think we all know that California is one of the most tax states . So I think it's great that there's probably more opportunity out here that you can kind of make that back .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

So , uh , Justin , what do you think are the advantages though living in California as a student athlete ? Um , the advantages of living in California , uh , you know , as a student athlete , no question is the opportunity for the entertainment side . I think we're seeing more and more nil , um , you know , 2021 people still thought it was illegal .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

And how do you make those changes and navigate like you said in the right ? So it's safe to say here , there's an advantage in living in , in the State of California because Nil is basically gr green lit with in the high school level in the , in the college level . So , uh , Justin , what do you think are the advantages though living in California as a student athlete ?

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

So for me , that's like a litmus that , uh that those opportunities now present itself . And if you're in California , you're sitting here at UCL A , you have us c both big media and entertainment schools that trickle down effect . Um , if you're at those schools or have access to meet with these companies , you're going to be able to build your brand .

The Business Sense of Name, Image, Likeness

And we got it from really , we looked at lebron James , right ? We're in L A . We got , I think lebron James is the best example when you're talking about building a brand , you know , as a young , I looked at lebron , OK , I looked , I love the way his marriage looked , you know , for my son , I said man , that's what I want for you .